Products: Cloud Page Builder

Cloud Page Builder Knowledge Base
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Can I use our own domain name?

April 27, 2019 62
Yes. You can use your own domain name by domain mapping your domain to our DNS A record and CNAME to Detailed instruction in your Admin Dashboard

Where I can get a custom domain name?

April 27, 2019 25
You can get a domain name from

How to Activate Templates?

April 28, 2019 21
Login into your admin dashboard then goes to Settings. From there you can choose CloudPageBuilderPack then Activate All Templates

How to change default web to a page?

April 28, 2019 12
Go to Admin dashboard, then go to Settings then go to Reading Settings. From there you can change the Your homepage displays to your chosen Homepage Static Page were you created from a new page

How to access the admin dashboard?

April 28, 2019 8
You can access the admin dashboard by login from

How to change the header?

April 30, 2019 11
Login into your admin dashboard, then go to Builder then Choose Theme Layout then Add New. Fill the Title, Themer Layout as a Type, and Header as a Layout then Add. Add New Themer Layout as a Header Then you can choose Entire Site as Location if you the header appear in all pages/posts, or...

How to change the footer?

November 1, 2019 94
You can follow the instruction like in the change the header
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